Summer 2025 Tennis Lessons

We Appreciate Your Interest in Our Summer Tennis Program

Every effort will be made to accommodate your wishes regarding program times and days; however, space within each program is limited. Past participants will be given priority in the assignment of program times and days.


10 one-week sessions for munchkin and juniors. Session 1 begins Monday, June 23, 2025

To participate in these programs, you must register and pay by Friday June 20th.

Enroll and pay for 2 Summer sessions, and receive a third session at no additional cost!

Offer expires May 31, 2025

Helpful Reminder!

We recommend you make note of this schedule in your calendar for future reference.

Confirmation phone calls for start dates or dates off will not be made.

There are no refunds offered after you or your child  has registered for tennis classes.

Available Programs

Junior Tennis – Beginner, Intermediate & Advanced

Class Description

Participants (ages 7-17) will be assigned to a group appropriate for their age and level of play. Beginner and lower intermediate players will be taught basic tennis skills in a format that is both challenging and fun. The merits of regular practice are reinforced by using highly structured fame drills and actual competition. Intermediate and advanced players who have mastered the basics of the game will be taught advanced skills and game strategy. Maximum class size is six students.

Classes meet for three hours, Monday through Friday 9am-Noon.  ($495)


  • Session 1:    June 23-27  |  9am-noon
  • Session 2:    June 30-July 3  |  9am-noon *4 days $395
  • Session 3:    July 7-11 |  9am-noon
  • Session 4:    July 14-18  |  9am-noon
  • Session 5:    July 28-Aug 1 |  9am-noon 
  • Session 7:    August 4-8  |  9am-noon
  • Session 8:    August 11-15 |  9am-noon
  • Session 9:    August 18-22|  9am-noon
  • Session 10:    August 25-28 |  9am-noon *4 days $395

Severe Weather
Cancellation Policy

Classes canceled due to inclement weather will be rescheduled at the end of the session.

Classes are NOT always canceled when schools are closed due to severe weather conditions.

Please call one hour prior to class for information on class availability or cancellation.

About Missed Classes

Make-ups are not offered.

Classes missed for personal reasons ( vacations, schedule conflicts, etc.) are lost.

Make-ups are not provided and refunds will not be given for missed classes. Credit in the next session may be given for classes missed due to documented long-term illness or injury.

Refunds/credits will not be given for missed classes.